Monday, May 19, 2008

my favourite car

this is one of my favorite cars it is LOTUS it is a super car and can go very fast.There are alot of cars i like too.and one of them is a lamborghini it is almost the fastest car in the world.The cars si like are ferraeri,maserati,poroche,alfa romeo and aston martin.

Monday, May 12, 2008

what did i do on mother's day

I woke up early in the morning and took a card I wrote HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ON IT.After that, i drew a pink boat and a island below the three words.Inside the card, i wrote "thank you for all the the things you have done. Love you more than you love me".Afterthat,Iwent to Raffles Marina to have lunch.I ate sausages and mash potato and it was delicous.Afterthat Iwent to a fishn farm called "Qain Hu".I bought five fishes.But two died because my angle fish attacked it.Afterthat,i went with my friend to watch iron man.It was a bit scary but very nice.Afterthat,we went to a italian resturant to have pizza.when I went home and said to myself" i wish everyday was like this".